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Making money from the money you already have...

This is effectively making more money from the money you already have. It is maximising the potential return or profit you can reasonably expect to receive from your assets. This can be virtually anything that is of value to you.

For most people, this is their cash deposits, Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), unit trusts, share portfolios, pension funds and even their own home. The list is endless, but our remit in this area is to provide guidance with some of the more complex issues surrounding investment.

When is the right time to invest? How much do I invest? What are the tax consequences? Over what timescale should I consider this for? Which markets are going to perform well?

Some of these questions can be easily answered depending on an individual’s circumstances, but some are not so straightforward. Recent stock market events and global economics have created concern for many investors and have left many disillusioned with the products and investment funds on offer. We spend time with each investor and work out their own specific attitude to risk and discuss with them in detail their views on a range of investments and markets. Only then, after a series of discussions and agreements, will we begin to construct portfolios that we believe are matched to their requirements. Through this approach and management of expectations at the beginning, you will always have peace of mind that your investments have been placed in funds or markets that you are comfortable with.

Wealth management is not an exclusive club for the rich. The same principle applies to managing a small investment fund to a large multi asset portfolio. The basic concept is to grow the funds within the agreed timescale and risk parameter.

The value of an investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step towards making your money work for you by getting in touch with us today

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